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Building Bridges -
Linking Communities
and Key Stakeholders

Terra’s Building Bridges (BB) program improves discourse on land issues.  The Bridges program presently has two main initiatives: (1) The Mozambique pilot effort to encourage community based journalism in order to improve communication linkages between communities and key stakeholder organizations; and (2)  The “Legend Lake: A Talking Circle” encouragement of respect for different perspectives on land conflicts among communities which experience conflict over land.  Both initiatives develop innovative ways to use new and traditional media to help “build communication bridges” starting with land issues but extending to other divisive questions as the need arises.

Community Based Journalism

Linking “Barefoot Journalists” with Key Stakeholders
to Help Resolve Land Issues

Legend Lake: a Talking Circle

Legend Lake - A Talking Circle

Addressing Land Conflict Issues by Bringing Diverse Communities Together through Discourse